So the very first day of shooting began on a Sunday, which was a rarity made necessity out of the fact that we were a double show (Nik and I both). The rareness of the Sunday shoot was confirmed by the massive hangovers held by all participating; From the cameramen on down to the assistants, stylists and even the hosts (who for reasons of anonimity shall remain nameless) hangovers abounded.
That day's shooting schedule called for the review of the secret footage, the 360 mirror, the review of our new clothes choices and the trashing of our old clothes. Roughly, it's about 12 minutes of the show.
It took 14 hours to shoot.
First, they filmed us carrying our luggage to the car, then again, then again because some oblivious New Yorker walked into our shot, then again, then from a different angle. Then we drove the 5 blocks to the studio, where they repeated the process in reverse. The luggage got there this time because they had a limo for the trip shot and we were able to pile it all into the back.
once inside the studio the first sight I viewed was the outfit gnomes working hard to assemble my 'new look' outfit on a mannequin. It should be noted that this mannequin was about 5'8" and had a 32 inch waist. I have a 32 inch THIGH. As I wandered toward the coffee machine near the outfit (slamming coffee being part of my desperate attempt to shit away 20 pounds before appearing on camera) the gnomes instinctively scattered into their secret holes chanting 'No fair, mustn't see the outfit, doompity-day'!
The long shooting schedule montony was broken up by the fact that at least 2/3rds of the people involved in the production are British, and since there is an international law (U.N. mandate, I think) that ALL brits are required to like soccer, we had a field day discussing my jerseys. Oh, and about those Jerseys, they tried to throw away my Arsenal and D.C. United jerseys and were soundly rebuked. I have them to this day.
Side Note: Stacy tore the 'J' off the 'JVC' on my Arsenal 2000 jersey (The year they won the double) and I nearly went ballistic. When you see it on tape you will see that I am not having fun there. That's just bad luck.
Basically, the day consisted of saying something, being told I couldn't say that, retaking it, saying something clever, being forced to resay it so they could get canned reaction shots, looking at myself under an extreme, shadowless light, reviewing videotape of me looking my absolute worst and 20 pounds heavier than I actually am and noshing every 4 hours on pretty decent catered food. At the end of the day I took my tired feet to the bar for 4 or 5 guinness. This is apparently the norm for reality TV.
Second Side Note: Clinton (the host) is allergic to cats. We have 5. When we did the 'old clothes dump' scene, he sneezed about 850 times. poor guy. in those halogen lights you can really see all the dander in the air.